About me
Hello! I am Eva Mariana Garro
I'm a certified menstrual educator, counselor, and Symptothermal Method instructor.
Passionate about women's health, human rights, and ancient wisdom.
It brings me joy to share the incredible wisdom that the menstrual cycle and period carry to guide women toward optimal health and self-awareness in a simple way.

I’ve also been where you are…
With terrible menstrual cramps that disrupted my ordinary days, not wanting to take birth control pills but not knowing what other options were available, constantly spending lots of money on pads and tampons made with toxic materials, but fearing to use a menstrual cup, fearing an unwanted pregnancy, mood swings without explanation, low libido, excessive anxiety, and episodes of depression.
I got tired of living like that, and after years of searching for answers, solutions, and trying EVERYTHING, I found the keys to living a conscious and much healthier period.
Now, I want to share them with you!

And I managed to feel better!

Stop feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and burned out by work and daily responsibilities. Learn how to harness the available energy in each menstrual cycle phase to achieve everything you set out to do.
Free yourself from fear. Learn to prevent pregnancies 100% naturally, without harming your body or the environment with synthetic hormones, and/or achieve a conscious and natural pregnancy, as well as identify possible infertility early on.
Get straightforward plans and clear steps to put into action all the theory that you may have already learned but haven't entirely implemented in your life.
The journey to feminine power starts here!

Not sure where to start?
Do you have a specific menstrual health topic you want to address?
For example: intense cramps, absence of menstruation, choosing a contraceptive method, etc.
Schedule a FREE exploratory session to review your individual situation and determine the best course of action according to your specific needs.

How do I know if I have a normal period?
What if you could stop worrying about not knowing if your period is normal and instead have a clear compass for your daily life that allows you to deeply understand yourself, heal any imbalances, and harness the sacred power you possess simply just for being a woman?
I know it sounds too good to be true, but it's possible because I did it.